Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Celebrations of small things

Today's Mood: Industrious. Today's Music: The Call. Today's Writing: Thank you letter. Today's Quote:
Inspiration may be a form of superconsciousness, or perhaps of subconsciousness - I wouldn't know. But I am sure it is the antithesis of self- consciousness. -Aaron Copland

If I waited to celebrate until there was a publishing deal, I might never get to celebrate. Besides which, all of life is made up of a myriad of little accomplishments. First we celebrate rolling over, then scootching, then crawling, then the first step, then walking, then.... So I am celebrating hearing from a publisher. A publisher that I thought very well might have a.) never received my manuscript, b.) thrown said manuscript in the circular file, c.) left said manuscript rotting on some huge pile of manuscript/query slush, or d.) still be considering that wonderful manuscript of mine. Although I have to admit I felt that option d. was unlikely since I had followed up with a note of inquiry and had no response to that as well.

Well, lo and behold! On this past Saturday, I received a letter from that publisher saying they were still considering my manuscript! And furthermore, if I don't hear from them within the next two months, I can call them! And they even included a number! Which, granted, I haven't called the number, but it LOOKS authentic.

Good news to me! Picture me doing the celebration dance! Today I worked on a thank you note, along with which (some very wise writer suggested) I will send a copy of my Black Dragon illustration. The brain, remember, is very visual. And it LOVES color!


outdoorwriter said...


Congrats!! Snaps!! Yahoo!!! How exciting I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

smcelrath said...

Hey Larry,

Are you going to Khardomah?

outdoorwriter said...

I plan to. Will probably comute from home, but will be around for meals, one of my favorite things about conferences. You get to talk to people and get to know them better.

I need to really get writing. I have an idea for a piece on becoming a fisherman. One of my earliest memories is fishing with Dad and a turtle helping itself to our stringer of bluegills. I learned mostly on my own--with the help of Field & Stream, eavesdropping at the barber shop while waiting, my buddies, and just getting out and doing it. Dad always helped me pick night crawlers and dropped me off at the local creeks so I could fish my way home. Mom added to my learning and appreciation by not only gushing over the fish but also the half-wilted wildflowers I picked for her. Wildflowers are still a big part of my outdoors.

mike stratton said...


Congratulations. That is really some great news. You writing deserves publication, and it is so cool that they are giving you a good look.
