Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Plugging Away

Today's Mood: Tired. Today's Music: Sarah McLachlan at the moment. Today's Writing: revising Black Dragon. Today's Quote:
"I always write a good first line, but I have trouble in writing the others."
-Moliere, in Les Precieuses Ridicules

Plugging away, every day getting closer to the end. Some days I can almost taste it, and it drives me to get up, reject hitting the snooze, resist the pull of sleep, all to got sit in front of a monitor and rearrange words, add, delete words. Other days, like today when I'm tired, I have to drag myself out of bed. And yet, when I sit in front of my laptop, a certain kind of magic happens, and the story takes over, the words are there to be tinkered with, crafted, chiseled away, sculpted, woven together to create a web, a yarn, a magic of their own. And on it goes, day after day.

I counted up, only six more days until I finished Part II. Then it is on to Part III. I am growing confident of meeting my self-imposed goal of sending the book out again during Christmas break. I think I'll research agents this time.

How's everyone else doing? Weaving words into stunning yarns the excite, entertain, educate, and provide a depth and richness to life? Or at least chiseling out a few words that might someday be sculpted into a masterpiece?

Hope to see you Friday at the art show. Or hear from you here on the blog. Writing is a lonely affair, despite all the people involved.


outdoorwriter said...

Well, I'm between struggling and being awed by the changing leaves. The lowly sumac, with it's scarlet, chartreuse, orange or ripe-peach colors excite my senses. Frank Lloyd Wright used stylized sumac leaves in the stained glass windows of the Dana house in Illinois. I've been past the town a few times, but never when it's open. One day, I'll make a special trip.

I've been doing a lot of wildlife projects: mowing, cutting wood and planning next year's food plots.

I admire your drive, Sarah. I have trouble staying focused. I see the idea in my head, but it gets clouded when I sit down to write. But I love the word-weaving, word-painting, the tweaking, and all that goes with writing too much to give up. And yes, it is a lonely place. Only other writers understand and I appreciate this blog more than you will ever know.

smcelrath said...

I love sumac. It's some of the most brillant color on our street this fall. Sounds like you've been busy--and it sure has been a nice week for being outside.

I know what you mean about things turning fuzzy when you sit down to write. That happens to me too, which is why I sometimes procrastinate and just keep it in my head where it is all shiny and perfect.

Nice to hear from you--and other writers. Makes the daily effort to weave words a little less lonely.

Mike said...


Two nights ago I opened my e-mail, late. I saw the publishers had sent me four versions of a cover for my book, "Everybody Dreams". I was so excited I couldn't sleep. I really couldn't. This is really happening. I chose a cover - a woman asleep on the floor of a forest in a nest of leaves.


smcelrath said...


That is so incredibly cool! I can picture the cover in my head. I wouldn't have been able to sleep either. Remember our old pact? When we got published, we'd go to each other's book signings. Just tell me when and where, and I'm there.