Sunday, January 11, 2009


Today's Mood: Dizzy. Today's Music: singing in church. Today's Writing: this blog. Today's Quote:
Do you suffer from blogaholism, Twitteritis, RSS Dependency, or Status Update Disorder? Then this is the seminar for you... -by Polly Frost
Okay, I just had to share this since I am definitely one who spends time in the blogosphere when I should be working on that query of mine. Check out the Polly Frost's article Reblock Yourself the Polly Frost Way. The truth hurts--and is also hilarious. My only complaint is her characterization of librarians. Hey, we can fracture and fragment the English language with the best of 'em!

So get to work and reblock yourself. Hopefully you can agonize over your real writing then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the link! Glad you enjoyed it. Polly Frost

another site of mine