Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Writing Vitamins

Today's Mood: Relaxed. Today's Music: Augustana. Today's Writing: Revisions on Ch. 1 Free Lunch. Today's Quote:
"In ordinary life, sounds and words are cheap. Paying attention almost makes one a pariah. To steal silence [ ], one develops outlaw strategies (hiding, white-lying, disappearing). Monks and poets (America's archetypal outcasts) recognize the transformative power lurking in simple things (like words). "Let words work the earth of my heart," they pray. Perhaps culture as a whole no longer feels safe with such potentially dangerous toys." - Gail Sher The Intuitive Writer: Listening to Your Own Voice.

I had writing group last night. I was both eager and dreading it at the same time. Writing has been hard for me lately--like shoving shit sitting down (to borrow Stephen King's words). But it was GREAT! What a boost I get from being recognized as a writer. They take me and my words seriously. They listen, they suggest, and they praise. Sometimes the praise is the hardest for me to hear, but the most needed and appreciated. I am learning that I cannot always trust my own feelings about my writing. When it is hard, like chipping away at solid rock, I start believing it is bad--flat, uninspired, uncreative. Writing group helps me know exactly what isn't working so that I can see what is working. Yup, there's most chiseling to be done, but how exciting it is when they see the shape emerging.

So this is a shout out to them, wonderful muses all. Do you belong to a writing group? If not, what gives you a boost? What helps you go back to the computer (or paper and pen for those who still do) day after day, putting down words that occasionally (or often in my case) seem shriveled and dry like month old mushrooms?

Oh, and how do you like that quote? It comes out of a chapter titled "Poets are never mad - Everybody else is."

1 comment:

Mike said...

Hi Sarah, I've been too busy to blog but just checked this out and had to respond.

I LOVE my writing group: Chris Henning, Viki Lorraine, Matt Bliton, Robyn Ford, Kimm X., Bari Wood, Sandi Callis (who am I leaving out? I know I'm leaving someone out...)

I LOVE being taken seriously as a writer. I love the feedback. It helps so much. And sometimes I agree with it and sometimes I don't. It helps me get clear about what I'm trying to do with my writing, what is working and what needs work.

The group is also a motivator: I HAVE to get something done by Wednesday to show the group. If I'm not writing, it gets me moving.

There is a degree of trust and intimacy in this group - I share my first drafts, the stuff I don't think is very good, etc.

Here is to our writing groups!!!