Friday, August 21, 2009

Word count

Today's Mood: determined. Today's Music: Office of Hearts by Guided by Voices (at the moment) Today's Writing: IFFY (new chapter)

My word count for the day: 892. It felt like more. It even looked like more. But at least I finally got going on this chapter. Might be easier tomorrow.


smcelrath said...

I'm going to write Thursday and Friday. Hope to finish the chapter. Anyone else been writing?

outdoorwriter said...


I just finished a piece on quail and am trying to find my muse. I think it's on vacation. The days of sitting down and having the piece write itself have been eluding me. I think I need a Glen Lake tune up.

smcelrath said...


I hear ya! So many things to do that I have a hard time sitting down to write as well. Last night I read the last chapter of my manuscript hoping to dream about it and wake up ready to write. Now if I can just get the kids out of here...

Mike said...

Been writing very little. Even blew off my writing group this week. Discouraged over the book.

smcelrath said...


Did the trip help? Hinder? Did you finish the rough draft? I wrote yesterday but only got 500 some words. I introduced a new character (minor) and then stalled while I over-thought his looks/personality/interests/....

Last night I journaled instead. It helped--at least I have something to go with today.

IMO--the only way out of a slump is to write through it. (I know, I'm much better at telling others what to do than doing it myself. I'm with Larry--hoping Glen Lake will work some magic!)