Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Page by page

Today's Mood: Determined. Today's Music: Robert Pollard. Today's Writing: IFFY. Today's Quote:
"Understand you're asking the reader to slip through a tiny keyhole--to enter your room of suspended belief." -Tennessee Williams

I was reading the latest issue of Writer's Digest this past weekend. There was an article giving tips on finishing your novel--always an interest of mine. One of the tips hit home. "Finish your rough draft as fast as possible. It tends to keep the story--the plot--more linear, more focused."

And how do I do that? I wondered. Especially when I don't have time to write this year. Especially when I've been working on the same paragraph for the last 2 weeks.

The author of the article went on to talk about how she made sure she wrote 2 pages a day. It kept her moving forward, not getting caught in the rut of endless revising.

Hmmm, I thought, 2 pages. I could do that if I just wrote and didn't overthink everything. After all, it's not like I don't know where the story has to go. I have a basic idea of what scenes I need to include. Maybe I should try it.

So the next morning I wrote faster. I made myself write--and keep going even when I wasn't totally thrilled with what was coming out on the paper (computer screen that is). I didn't quite finish the 2 pages, so I grabbed a little more writing time after school. And then a little more after the kids were in bed.

In an effort to keep myself accountable, I emailed the two pages to a writing friend. Told her it was my goal to write 2 pages a day. Told her she didn't have to read it/probably shouldn't read it. Just to look for the two pages and bug me if I didn't send them.

Next night I had to stay up a little later to finish the 2 pages, but finish I did. Emailed them off before mid-night.

Best part is that the story is getting hotter. It's running through my head again at all hours. I'm wanting to get up at the impossibly early crack of dawn to write (and that is just not normal!)
So maybe the writing isn't steller. It's a rough draft. It's okay. Really Sarah, it's okay. You can go back and revise after it is done. Come on, just another page to go....


Stacy McKitrick said...

You know, I was thinking this just the other day, that I need to get the story down and not worry about editing it (even if it does seem to be mostly dialogue). It's easier for me to edit anyway, so I need to concentrate on getting the story finished. Two pages seems obtainable to me, too. Thanks for this!

smcelrath said...


Let me know how it goes.

smcelrath said...

I've been writing at least 2 pages a day and loving it.

Mike said...


This is great advice and very good news. I totally agree with this. I'll try it myself.

smcelrath said...

I even wrote my two pages a day on the weekend! Unheard of for me--especially good if you consider that I had two Christmas parties to attend.

Unknown said...

Thats not a big deal, its just a thing of making and thinking of a topic which can be discussed and easy to write on it, very simple.
