Thursday, July 26, 2007

Being ready for inspiration

Today's Mood: More settled than of late. Today's Music: Maroon 5 (can you tell this group is new for me? Nothing like wearing it out!) Today's Writing: Journaling (prewriting for an essay I want to write) and looking over comments from my small group on Chapter ? (I think it's 6 but I've been out of touch) of IFFY. Today's Quote:
"Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it." -C. S. Lewis (1898 - 1963)
What weird things do you do to be ready for inspiration when it hits at odd moments? I've heard of people (yes, Robin, I'm talking about you) who have crayons in the shower so that if an idea strikes at that moment when the hair is full of shampoo, she can preserve it on the shower wall. I take a notebook in my purse so I can write down ideas that occur to me while I'm at the oil change place (I got through a whole chapter the last time I was there. Nothing like a little enforced butt in chair to break down internal barriers!), or in church (it's amazing how sitting quietly gets my mind working. I've been tempted to that the pastor for the great writing time--but I suppose that could (quite unintentionally) imply that his sermon was less than riveting.).

Anyway, two nights ago I woke up around 3:40 a.m. and in an effort to get my mind off this whole laptop crap, I started to think about this camping essay I want to write. Crap. I really should write this down, I thought after coming up with a few good phrases. Otherwise I'll never remember it in the morning. So, I reach over and open the drawer to my bedside table, haul out a journal, turn it to the last page so I'm for sure not writing on top of anything else, scrabble around on the bottom of the drawer for a pen and then finally, blindly write a
few phrases on the page--just enough to spark my memory in the morning.

In the morning, Shanna comes in and wakes me up and I groggily stumble out of bed to make her some breakfast (she was starving, of course) and get me some cappuccino. It wasn't until later when I was making the bed that I remembered writing stuff down the night before. But when I looked at the page, it was completely blank. The pen didn't work. Thankfully, by holding it up to the light, I could see the indentations from the pen on the page. I've seen this thing on CSI--just kidding--but really, I did rub a pencil lightly over the page and I could read everything I'd written. Most of it was crap too, but hey, I did get one good analogy out of it--and what more can you expect for the middle of the night?

Today I put two more pens on my bedside table. I even checked to make sure they work. Who knows when the next great idea/image/word will strike?


outdoorwriter said...

I used a small tape recorder for a while, but someone stole it. I never replaced it. I was handy if an idea struck while driving down the road.

I've reached the age where if I don't write things down, I forget them. The PW notebooks are perfect for jotting down ideas or phrases. At the office I get lots of faxes announcing new jobs to bid. The ones I don't need I cut into fourths and use for note pads.

I also keep a file in my computer for ideas and topics. Some keep a "tabbed notedbook" and put ideas into different catagories.

mike stratton said...

I'm not good at this. I have traveled with a small notebook, and when I'm really cooking I use it. But I let lines slip away like crazy. And stories. Thanks for the reminder, Sarah. You keep me plugged in and checking the blog regularly reminds me to commit to writing, again and again, a day at a time.

now listening - Fats Waller (I've been on a 1930s kick)

smcelrath said...

Good to hear from you guys. I've gone back to the notebook thing since my computer is still not working. In a way it's been good for me--but I keep ending up with poetry. Something about that notebook thing....

Anonymous said...

Well, now that Sarah has outed me, I confess that I do have bathtub crayons so I can scrawl on the walls when then Muse speaks. I've actually come up with a couple pivotal plot points while washing my hair. Since the crayons are only good for capturing the most basic gist of the idea, I also keep a notebook in the bathroom so I can grab the rest of it before it slips away. But since I've been preoccupied with other things lately (applying for a promotion--Yipe!--the last Harry Potter book, and the like), I haven't used them much lately. But I still have lots of colors, just in case.

I also carry a small "novel notebook" so I can scribble notes. Of course, it's usually Julian or Meg whispering in my ear and lately they are often changing their minds. Characters can be so fickle.

I have to admit, though, that a lot of times I let scenes play in my head for a while before putting them on paper. Sometimes things have a way of working themselves out without binding them with ink.

And for the curious...
Word Count: woefully, still at around 106,000 words, unless you could somehow count the resume-like document I've been working on
Mood Music: Switchfoot "Learning to Breathe"(had to have something soothing before the big meeting today)

And Sarah, I'm so glad you're enjoying Maroon 5. When I found "Songs About Jane," it was like the cd was stuck in my stereo. :-)

Gloria Klinger said...

I too use my PW notebook with pen attached to keep notes. I'm often struck with lines or ideas while driving in the car. Sometimes I stop and write. More frequently, I just pick up the notebook and jot while I'm driving. Dangerous, I know, but it's kind of like writing in the dark. I keep my eyes on the road, pen on the paper. Then I try to figure out what I wrote when I finally stop. It works for me - sometimes.

smcelrath said...

Hey Robin--

hope you get that promotion! And Gloria, as long as you don't write AND talk on the cell phone while you drive...... :)

Mark Wolfgang said...

I just swear the stuff that pops into my brain is so GREAT that I can never forget it. And then I do. I tried a mini recorder and couldn't stand the sound of my voice. I do keep a notebook by my chair in the living room, but rarely use it.

Today's music: none yet, but just got Jorma Kaukonen's "Stars in My Crown" from Amazon.

Mark (all together now: who? But I can say the same of Maroon 5)

smcelrath said...

Mark I know who you are--Maroon 5 is a band that Robin hooked me up with at Glen Lake. One album I have (won't be soon before long) downloads onto itunes as "alternative". Another one of their albums (songs about Jane--which just happens to be the name of my main character in the latest novel I'm working on) downloads as "pop". So, call it what you will. I like it.

What is Jorma Kaukonen's "Stars in My Crown"?

Mark Wolfgang said...

Sarah, I meant "who?" as in "who is Jorma Kaukonen?" Not being very clear, I guess, for a would-be writer. Anyway, Jorma was lead guitar for Jefferson Airplane (slightly before your time), and he turns out to be a born folk and American-traditional musician, and a marvelous acoustic guitarist. "Stars in My Crown" is his latest CD.

I keep hearing bits about great alternative bands on NPR lately, and I keep meaning to write down the names. There's yet another reason for carrying a notebook at all times, right? --Mark

Anonymous said...
