"Why is the dash the mark a la mode? Because it is so easy to use, perhaps; and because it is hard to use wrongly; but also because it is, simply, easy to see." -Eats, Shoots & Leaves Calendar Oct. 14, 2007
On Friday I dragged my friend (my oh-so-patient and non-writing friend) along with me to an open mic. deal for poetry and prose sponsored by the Word Weavers Writing Circle (say that five times fast!). I think she was a little worried. I was a lot worried. Okay, downright scared. So why the heck did I do it? Because I'm a masochist.
I always laugh at the poor fools in movies who hear a noise down the basement and go down to investigate even though it is a horrible thunderstorm on Friday the 13th or Halloween (take your pick) and the lights don't work (of course). The idiots always take a candle, even though I tell them to find the heavy LED flashlight that Aunt Bertha gave them to fend off robbers, and then the candle blows out just when they see that horrible monster or corpse, which, of course, I told them would happen.
But now, oh-my-gosh, I think maybe, just maybe I might be that same kind of person! I mean, look, I didn't have to go to this open mic. with a whole bunch of strangers (who I didn't know!) and read a piece of my writing, which is a little like lifting my dress in front of strangers--who, by the way, I didn't know! But I went anyway. Without anyone holding a gun to my head.
And guess what? No one booed, or grabbed their pitchforks and ran after me. They did, however, clap. And afterward, they even came up and told me they liked what I read, and wondered if I ever did any story telling because I was such a good reader. And I talked about Peninsula Writers and Writing Passage and they talked about Word Weavers and it was pretty cool. I might even do it again. After all, isn't that what sequels are all about?
My friend, by the way, made the comment that poetry readings are so not like on TV. Not a single person was dressed in black, smoking a cigarette and looking snooty. So I promised I'd do better next time.
I always laugh at the poor fools in movies who hear a noise down the basement and go down to investigate even though it is a horrible thunderstorm on Friday the 13th or Halloween (take your pick) and the lights don't work (of course). The idiots always take a candle, even though I tell them to find the heavy LED flashlight that Aunt Bertha gave them to fend off robbers, and then the candle blows out just when they see that horrible monster or corpse, which, of course, I told them would happen.
But now, oh-my-gosh, I think maybe, just maybe I might be that same kind of person! I mean, look, I didn't have to go to this open mic. with a whole bunch of strangers (who I didn't know!) and read a piece of my writing, which is a little like lifting my dress in front of strangers--who, by the way, I didn't know! But I went anyway. Without anyone holding a gun to my head.
And guess what? No one booed, or grabbed their pitchforks and ran after me. They did, however, clap. And afterward, they even came up and told me they liked what I read, and wondered if I ever did any story telling because I was such a good reader. And I talked about Peninsula Writers and Writing Passage and they talked about Word Weavers and it was pretty cool. I might even do it again. After all, isn't that what sequels are all about?
My friend, by the way, made the comment that poetry readings are so not like on TV. Not a single person was dressed in black, smoking a cigarette and looking snooty. So I promised I'd do better next time.
Good for you, Sarah. It takes courage to step into the unknown, to make yourself vulnerable. I have a hard time reading some of my stuff in front of friends and people I know. I'm getting as emotional as my dad--well maybe not that bad. He has trouble with alomost anything emotional.
A few days ago I watched the wind tumble and summersault leaves past our window. Made me think of a poem, which I didn't write. The images are still there so I may have a go at it.
Sometimes--well actually lots of times--I wish the outdoor writers had read arounds at our meetings rather than sitting at the bar after dinner. I think we could all learn a lot.
Heading for Kansas and Iowa in a couple of weeks to run dogs and chase pheasants. Hope to see some of that prairie I wish I could have seen when it was the way it was.
Congrats on your reading. Once I started going to readings it made a difference in how seriously I took my own poetry. And I'm generally reassured at the readings, 'not the best, not the worst, guess I belong'.
What? Nobody dressed in black with tatoos, no room filled with strange-smelling smoke, no Nehru jackets, huge hoop earrings, peace symbols, or black lights? Darn. Congrats on going ... more than the rest of the Wild Women Monday night small group did.
I'm not surprised they liked what you read and loved how you read. You rock at both, girlie.
I got the grey, rainy, my-tooth-hurts blues today. I'm listening to Jennie DeVoe sing I need you desperately ... and I am thinking more than I need a guy right now, I need some sunshine and a purple pen.
Again, Congrats on your poetry debut outside of PW!
Where did you run across this group? Some others might want to try reading. Can you provide information?
I found out about this reading because it was advertised in the Grand Haven Tribune. They said they are going to do another poetry/prose reading in January. I'll let you know if I hear of any others.
Thanks all of you for the congratulations. I feel good about having screwed up my courage and doing it.
Larry, I hope you plan on writing about running those dogs and chasing pheasants. Sounds beautiful. We used to have a Brittany Spaniel, (sorry about spellings) and he was lovely to watch when he hunted.
Mike- you're right. It's rather reassuring to find that I'm not the best or the worst, but as a writer, I fit in there somewhere.
And Susan, I agree totally. Sunshine, warmth, purple pens. But I will settle for the hot tub and chocolate.
Yesterday morning, I ran my English setter--registrered name Cider Hill Jenny for Gene Hill and Corey Ford's dog Cider--instead of going to church. She's almost completely white with very little black ticking. She went on point and I walked in to an eruption of close to 30 quail I released in July. Ford called them "feathered hand grenades" because they flush in all directions. It was awesome!!! I'm sure I'll come back with a story or two.
I'm going to my Kansas friend's place who has the native grass.
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