Sunday, March 9, 2008

New links

Today's Mood: Upbeat. Today's Music: Exile on Mainstreet--Matchbox 20. Today's Writing: Jane's Rant. Today's Quote:
Never show your writing to anybody who doesn't love you enough to tell you when it stinks. -The Writer's Little Helper.

I'm in the mood for something exciting. I don't know what, just something. The sun shine gets my creative juices flowing, and I'm so ready for spring! I've got an art project calling out to me, and IFFY is going well; Jane is even speaking up enough to rant--which gives me an even better look at her personality. My child is no longer ill (of the yucky stomach variety) and the other one hasn't come down with it yet (knock on wood) so I am getting enough sleep. And that definitely releases more optimism in my brain. So, life is good.

I want you all to notice the additional links I've added. Post Secret is a great online community art project. People create a postcard and write a secret that has never been told to anyone on the card and then mail it to this site. I love the way the picture and words work together to communicate. And some of them are hilarious, some sad.

The Magnet poetry is a huge time waster--but a great one! My friend says she can sit and waste hours playing solitary on the computer. I could waste hours creating poems this way. Lots of fun.

Stephanie mentioned 101 Reasons to stop writing with its demotivators at Khardomah. Funny stuff. The interview with Lynn Viehl (author of Paperback Writer--also a link over there on the side) is sarcastic and enlightening at the same time.

What is happening with you all? Any exciting writing going on?

1 comment:

outdoorwriter said...

I attended a controlled burn workshop last Thursday and am working on an article. Controlled burns are basically getting the fire to do what you want when you want and rubs shoulders with arson, as the fires are deliberately set. Mostly used for habitat/prairie restoration work. Took eight pages of notes from the six-hour session.

Spent the afternoon/early evening working around the house; siding and clean up. Ran the beagles a little bit this morning.

Had a writer I know give my name to a newspaper sports editor looking for a freelancer. Don't know if it will work out, I don't really write the normal "hook and bullet" stuff. I'm more about being there and all that goes with it.

I'll check out the new links.