Lately I don't feel much like a writer. I don't seem to be getting anywhere. Yesterday I put in capital letters, bright red font: STARTED 3RD PERSON HERE!!!!!!!! And then I wrote a paragraph in third person. Today I took out the capital letters in red font and rewrote the paragraph in first person.
What is my problem? Why is writing so hard? How will I know what is the right POV for this story? When will I stop asking questions?
Okay, sorry, had to slap myself there to end the madness. Does anyone else feel nuts this time of year? (another question, I know.) Maybe it's my job. Everybody is feeling the crunch and trying to jam in every last project before they run out of time. And I SWEAR that equipment--especially computers--always start flaking out once it hits April. It's like they know the end is near and no one in the tech. dept. wants to bother fixing them until summer, so they can glitch out all they want and stay safe from being re-ghosted. Of course, I might just chuck them out the window.....
I'm flaking out. I'm stretched too thin. I'm not writing enough. I can't think. I think too much. Aaaaaaaaaaaah!
So what is the fix? Anybody got any ideas on how to get through tough spots in their writing in only 25 minute writing increments a day? I just start to get to that zone and zing! Time's up.
And then there is the whole publishing thing. Still considering. You should hear something soon. Of course, since it has been over a year, soon has lost its glisten. If only I had an agent. Of course, to get an agent you have to query and query and query some more. And even that doesn't promise anything if you are a never before published writer. I guess I'd better call again. Sigh.
Maybe tomorrow.
Sarah, I have no advice. I think about writing all the time, yet I'm lucky if I can jot down one paragraph a week of random thoughts to be used later. --Mark
Sarah, I just made an observation and feel it necessary to point out: just below the link to PW on the left of the blog page is a link to Writing Avenue, which is now Writing Passages at http://www.writingpassage.com --Mark (not even attempting to do HTML anymore!)
I don't have a fix, short of a week on a tropical beach somewhere. I've been there too, the words just start to really leap to the page and it's time to leave for work. The moment is lost and sometimes it's hard to get back.
I have stretches where I want to write, but nothing comes out after a paragraph or two. I get sidetracked, disapointed, and just plain frustrated. I think the only cure is to try to write through it. Not easy I know.
FWIW, we're all behind you.
Thanks Mark, I'll change the name to Writing Passages.
And Larry, what is FWIW? I'm so not up on the text messaging lingo.
I wish I did have time to write through it. I don't. And realistically, even if I did, I'm tired. I'd probably just take a nap instead. : )
FWIW= For What It's Worth.
I'm sure she knows OMG by now. -M
: ) Yeah, I've heard that one a few times too many. Even from my 6-year-old. Last week in the creative writing class I teach I had one of the students ask if they could use text messaging lingo. I wanted to say, "Of course, because that is SO creative and this is a creative writing class!" But instead I just said no.
Life would be more fun if I could say what I wanted to say. But then again, it might be more difficult as well.
Second try: I am fortunate now to find others in my workplace who think like I do. Now I can sit in meetings and wait for someone else to make the obvious snide comment and draw the lightning to them, instead of drawing it to myself. The best things never said are the ones you want to say but don't need to say. --Mark
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