Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Today's Mood: STRESSED! Today's Music: soundtrack to Juno--yup, I am a vampire! Today's Writing: None--that might be why I'm stressed. Today's Quote:
"People want all the answers before they actually do the writing. But it's in the process of writing that you discover where you're going to go with a memoir."
-Natalie Goldberg
Just thought I'd send a quick note telling you all to write hard while I'm away camping. Not writing. In a small, one room pop-up with my family. All week. With no alone time to write. I brought a journal and sketch pad and hope that saves me. Of course, it will probably be wonderful and fun and adventurous and .... I need more sleep before I can believe all that. Packing really does stress me out.

Anyway tell me what you've been up to while I'm gone!

1 comment:

outdoorwriter said...


Welcome back. Have been doing lots of "pre-writing" in my head on walks. Discovering lots of new things. For exaple, those triangular "stick-tites" that we pick up in the fall start from a blossom less than one-quarter inch, yet produces three to five seeds just waiting for us or some critter to spread them around. I finally found cardinal flowers by the pond; there been too much water for them this summer.