Monday, December 29, 2008

Roll-Over Dreams

Today's Mood: Content. Today's Music: Lifehouse. Today's Writing: Finished 3rd (or 53rd probably, but 3rd round now) revision of Part II BD. Yeah! Today's Quote:
You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. -Jack London.

Sigh. What a lovely day! Sunlight, shopping for creative stuff, Steak-n-Shake lunch including a Mocha Malt (with whip cream and a cherry!), and writing--lots of writing. In fact, I finished this rewrite of Part II. I am so psyched! One more revision of Part III, then a run-through edit of the whole thing and it is ready to go out into the big, bad world again. One word at a time, I'm getting there.

Of course, I can never come out of a bookstore without buying a book. In this case, it was a really cool one called Idea Log. It is divided into five sections: idea log(alphabetized), project log (for when I act on my ideas), sketch log (I'm excited to use this for art ideas), quotation log, and fantasy log. The fantasy log is funny--it even has a feasibility rating scale!

Between the writing and buying craft stuff for making cards (PW cards, I hope!), I'm brimming with creativity today. And I had a phone conversation with another PW writer about setting up a morning writing schedule. I have to admit, it is one thing I miss during the holiday breaks. But still, I managed to get some writing done. Not as much as when I stick to my schedule. I am a firm believer in having a set-don't-mess-with-me writing time. There is no way I'd get as much written if I didn't. Although, I have to say, I hate mornings. A necessary evil in the working world.

The other day my friend pointed out that our goals for 2008--for me, the goal was to get something accepted for publication--didn't work out so well. I told her it was okay; they were roll-over hopes and dreams, so they'll work fine for 2009. What about you? New goals? Roll-overs?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Glorious Vacation

Today's Mood: Happy. Today's Music: A Windham Christmas (new CD from Gloria) Today's Writing: Finished this revision of Part III Black Dragon (Glory Be!) Today's Quote:
I think too much. (Huge surprise to you all, isn't it?) It took me waaaaay too long to finish revising the last few chapters. Over the weekend I'd boot up the computer, open the BD file, stare at it, maybe switch (add or delete) a few words, then shut down. I'm having a hard time settling--being quiet enough to hear what I need to write/change. Some of it is the time of year because there are all these parties to plan for, shopping to do, and shoveling. Lots and lots of shoveling. And I suppose, truth be told, part of it is that I can't quite decide how to end it. In a way, it seems too fast--like maybe I should put more detail, more chapters. Yet why drag it out?

Today I went over to Gloria's to write. After a lot of eating, we finally did settle down to write. At one point I must have made a frustrated noise (probably get that from my dad--it sounds a bit like someone did the Heimlich maneuver on me), because Gloria asked what was up. I told her I didn't know if I liked the ending. And after talking about it a bit (and reading some of it out loud) she suggested ending the novel in a different spot. I had never thought about ending it there. I have to say, I think it might work. Always nice to get a new perspective. That's part of what I like about getting together and writing with other writers. Not that we actually work on the same piece of writing, but just having them there to talk to, ask questions, or look so diligent that it makes me feel guilty enough to be diligent too.

My self-imposed deadline of the end of December is looming impossibly close. I don't think I'll make it, but I intent to get through the next (umpteenth) revision on Part II at least. Who knows, maybe I can finish it all by the end of January.

What about you all? Any deadlines--self-imposed or otherwise imposed? Do you (like me) feel the need to set deadlines--or at least set some sort of goal?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Back from my Facebook fling

Today's Mood: Busy but good. Today's Music: Maroon 5. Today's Writing: Black Dragon second to last chapter. Agonizing. Today's Quote:
"Don't wait. If you want to be a writer, you have to write. All the time. Day in, day out. It's as simple as that." -Dorianne Laux, "Writing from a lived life," Writer's Digest, Feb. 09

I know, I know, it's been forever. I have been writing--although, not as much as I'd like. Life is getting in the way. But it does go on, and lo and behold, word by word does get it done (albeit slowly). These last few chapters are killing me. First I worried that events seemed too coincidental, now I'm worried that I am rushing the denouement/conclusion. Face it, between the economy, the season, and my writing, I embody worried!

And, as if I didn't have enough to do in my life, someone sends me an email message saying that they put a picture of me on Facebook. What picture, is my first question. (Not that there are any sleaze shots of me out there floating around, but there could be some seriously ugly pictures of me out there.) My second question is What the heck is she putting pictures of me out on the web for anyway?! So of course I have to go check it out. And you can't see it unless you create a profile on Facebook. Yeah, I need another thing to update and check--cause I do so well keeping up on this blog.

But worry drives me to do horrific things, so I created a profile. And I was right to worry, the picture is scary. Writing for hours on end does great things for my soul but isn't so hot for my outer appearance. Oh well, I've seen worse pictures of me. I log off to go do laundry and slave-drive kids into doing their homework and cook dinner and.... the list goes on.

The next day when I check my email, there are 4 messages saying people have asked to be my friend. I felt a momentary thrill, as if I'd been transported back to high school and was suddenly popular. But then I realized all these people are already my friends! Nevertheless, I confirmed the friendships (which is just a matter of clicking confirm and nothing like exchanging gifts or spending time or making out or anything like that) and went on to check my profile.

The following day I logged into facebook to check what everyone was doing, and then I tried to think of something clever to put up on my wall. As usual, whenever I try to come up with something clever, my brain turns a drab gray and starts to shrivel. In the end, I decided I'm not the right sort of person to have a Facebook profile. I don't do witty, I can't handle looking good enough to live in a fishbowl, and I just don't have time.

Now that my fling with Facebook is done, I have grand hopes of posting more frequently--and finishing this round of revision by the end of the week!