Monday, December 29, 2008

Roll-Over Dreams

Today's Mood: Content. Today's Music: Lifehouse. Today's Writing: Finished 3rd (or 53rd probably, but 3rd round now) revision of Part II BD. Yeah! Today's Quote:
You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. -Jack London.

Sigh. What a lovely day! Sunlight, shopping for creative stuff, Steak-n-Shake lunch including a Mocha Malt (with whip cream and a cherry!), and writing--lots of writing. In fact, I finished this rewrite of Part II. I am so psyched! One more revision of Part III, then a run-through edit of the whole thing and it is ready to go out into the big, bad world again. One word at a time, I'm getting there.

Of course, I can never come out of a bookstore without buying a book. In this case, it was a really cool one called Idea Log. It is divided into five sections: idea log(alphabetized), project log (for when I act on my ideas), sketch log (I'm excited to use this for art ideas), quotation log, and fantasy log. The fantasy log is funny--it even has a feasibility rating scale!

Between the writing and buying craft stuff for making cards (PW cards, I hope!), I'm brimming with creativity today. And I had a phone conversation with another PW writer about setting up a morning writing schedule. I have to admit, it is one thing I miss during the holiday breaks. But still, I managed to get some writing done. Not as much as when I stick to my schedule. I am a firm believer in having a set-don't-mess-with-me writing time. There is no way I'd get as much written if I didn't. Although, I have to say, I hate mornings. A necessary evil in the working world.

The other day my friend pointed out that our goals for 2008--for me, the goal was to get something accepted for publication--didn't work out so well. I told her it was okay; they were roll-over hopes and dreams, so they'll work fine for 2009. What about you? New goals? Roll-overs?


outdoorwriter said...


Great to hear the creative juices are flowing. I admire your stick-to-it-schedule; I'd get more done too if I scheduled better and didn't procrastinate with blogs, websites, etc.

One of my goals is to include more photos in my articles. The publisher pays a bit more and it adds to the story. I just had an article on beagle trials published with a photo of a "smart" rabbit sitting in a tree crotch about 18" above the ground. He ran up there to lose the dogs and sat there, posing for pictures, until I scared him away. Even if I can't use the photos immediately, maybe I can at some point in the future.

I took some pictures from an elevated deer stand--okay a tall step ladder--but it gave me a whole new perspective of my food plots, field edges, and borders. Usually, I just see patches of brush or rows of stunted corn. It's like adding a third dimension. Hoping some of that might spill over into my writing. So I guess that would be a goal. I'd also like to find other outlets for my work. And of course I'd like to lose about 40 pounds, but it's not likely.

Hopng the New Year fulfills your hopes and dreams.

Where did you find the idea log book? Sounds like a neat idea.

smcelrath said...

Larry, I got the idea log at Schulers Book Store. But here is the publishers website. Funny stuff here.

smcelrath said...


A rabbit in a tree. That's an awesome picture! Sounds like a good goal--and a doable one at that.

I think I'd like to add the goal of finishing a rough of IFFY and a revision of Free Lunch. I might be able to pull that off.

And I'd like to get this PW card thing off the ground. Think about that when you are taking photos of rabbits in a tree! Could be great on a card. I figure with all the artistic talent PW has, we should be able to made some cool cards.

DJW said...

Sarah, I'd love to know more about the PW cards idea. I have some great photos that would make really cool cards. Something I've tried to do myself, but the cost of creating good quality stuff has been prohibitive.


Mark Wolfgang said...

I hope to get more motivated in 09. Both reading and writing. I'm reading Paul Theroux's "Ghost Train to the Eastern Star" and discovered this quote which cannot go unposted: "All writing is launching yourself into the darkness, and hoping for light and a soft landing."

Carol Raul has sort of tasked me with finding a venue for PW members to post their own personal news and announcements w/o going through me with a group email. Her concept being a page on our website where people can post, but I can't come up with a way to do that. So Google (host of this blog) has a service that can serve as a Wiki. I'm checking it out. Don't know how much activity it will see, but, as Paul Harvey says, stand by for NEWS!


smcelrath said...

A PW wiki--way cool! And I like the quote as well. I am soooo hoping for a soft landing right about now as I get ready to send my manuscript out into the cold, cruel world again.

Mark Wolfgang said...

Sarah, I'm hoping I'll be seeing you at Khardomah soon!


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I found your blog through the PW page. I'm a writer in Michigan (middle). I see you have 101ReasonsToStopWriting in your blogroll. Hilarious!

Anyway, great blog. I just finished Stephen King's ON WRITING. Loved it. Killed all my adverbs.

smcelrath said...


Yup, I'll be at Khardomah (although I'll probably miss Friday night).

Allena, welcome to the blog! As for me, I'm still trying to kill off the adverbs. Bloody little buggers just won't die!