Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Hello writers!

I write in order to attain that feeling of tension relieved and function
achieved, which a cow enjoys on giving milk. H.L. Mencken
Peninsula Writers' Conferences are great. I always come back from them physically worn out, but creatively, mentally, and emotionally charged up and ready to keep writing. The trick for me is maintaining that energy--that charge--throughout the year. Yes, writing is a solitary pursuit. Butt in chair as Heather Sellers says. But being able to say, I wrote 47 words today, to someone who understands what an accomplishment that can be, is the difference between getting up the next day sufficiently to write, or giving up the next day.

I hope this blog is one way that we can stay connected as a writing community--whether it is to celebrate the writing life, or gripe about technology that fails, words that won't come, or form rejections. It's all part of being a writer--a very tender part that needs lots of nurturing or it cries like a baby before giving up and going into fetal position.

Since this blog thing is new to me, you'll have to be patient and promise not to write me into one of your stories--unless it's as some sexy woman who is a great writer and publishes many books. On second thought--just leave me out of it altogether.

Anyway, I hope to hear from you, and if you want to be put on as an author--meaning you can add a post rather than just comment on a post--let me know. (I don't think there is a limit to how many people can be listed as author.)

So...butt in chair and get writing. (even if it is only to comment on this post.)


dreemryter said...

OK, This is my 3rd attempt at a response and I'm getting frustrated. The thing with Google and having to have a password etc is frustrating, but I think I've got it licked this time.

I would love to be added as an author, but I'll have to send you the e-mail address I want to use.


smcelrath said...

sorry about all the frustration. I'm trying to figure this out too. I know I can add people as authors--but for some reason can't do it. I don't know if it's because I'm using a Mac.... Anyway, we'll keep working on it. Right now I openned it up for anyone to comment--so you shouldn't have to log in.

Anonymous said...

It appears you don't have to do the Google thing, Sarah. Just check off other rather than Google/other or Anonymous when you post. And, so here I am as an Other. Perhaps, you wonder how it feels to be the Other. It feels like freedom. I can be anything or anyone I want ... when I want. And to think it all started by checking the circle next to the word Other. Just call me the Other blogger.

Before I forget to post this ... A BIG BLOGGIN' THANK YOU to Sarah for starting this and reminding us all ... butt in chair, words on paper. Even if it's one word. Today, don't check the circle next to Other, check the circle next to Writer.
That's who we are!

Susan J-W

Anonymous said...

This looks great, Sarah. I'm fairly new to this kind of stuff and might need to talk to my students about using a blog, but right now I'm feeling pretty tech savvy...
I love the idea of having this available for me to use so I can stay connected with the rest of you all. I missed the summer and fall retreats and am feeling rather out of the loop. Writer's block is weighing heavy on my right now, so I better just sit my butt down and write something. We have group next week. Nothing like a deadline for some inspiration.

Anonymous said...

So far, so good. I hope we can keep this going. As for writing, I have plenty of excuses - none of them good. Congratulations to Sarah for encouraging those of us who are slugs.
Maybe over Thanksgiving I'll write something.