Saturday, June 30, 2007

Unexpected disasters and surprises

Today's Mood: Reflective. Today's Music: Sarah McLachlan--Fumbling toward ecstasy. Today's Writing: Not much--a little work on my chapter by chapter outline for IFFY. Today's Quote:
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." -Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Yesterday I was going to do a short workout and then get a couple hours of writing in before I had to pick up my kids. I ended out spending the time getting my head stitched up. Ah, the unexpected things in life! I was simply looking for the _____ workout video (you can fill in the blank with whatever word you like. My choice is an expletive of some sort). I opened one of the doors to the entertainment center and the pane of glass fell directly toward me. The corner nailed me right in the dead center of my forehead. It didn't feel very good and left a small but fairly deep triangular hole. Now that it is stitched--I look a bit like I come from India with the reddish black dot in the middle of my forehead.

Then I proceeded to lock my keys in my car later that afternoon when I was at the girls' swim lessons. All and all it wasn't my best day. But it is great fodder for stories. Imagine the blood running on down the bride of my nose from a hole in the middle of the forehead.

Today I decided to forgo the exercising--apparently it's bad for me. But today held a surprise as well--just on the good side instead of the bad. This evening we came home from Barnes and Noble at almost ten at night, and the woods next to our yard was dark--yet full of little points of light. The fireflies where glimmering on and off by the hundreds. Absolutely magic! Of course, some of them were brave enough to venture into our yard, and the girls spent ten minutes of bliss, catching the fireflies and watching them glow in their hands.

I may not have got much writing done, but the magic is there inside me. It'll come out in writing at some point. Hope you are writing, or at least living something that will make some great writing at some point.


outdoorwriter said...


It could have been worse; imagine a cheek with a long gash. On men it adds character to their face. Is that sexist?

Ah, fireflies. The magic never goes away. Or maybe I'm just not gown up yet. The other night our wild-grown yard looked like the stands at a rock concert with all the flashes going off. I saw my first firefly 50 years ago in Kansas. Our kids caught fireflies before the 4th of July fireworks started.

I'm doing a lot of pre-writing aka thinking about it and gathering ideas.

Anonymous said...

Yow -- maybe you spent too much time in a cottage with Chris and have caught some of her coordination . . .

smcelrath said...

Larry--I hope you never grow up if that's what it takes to keep firefly magic.

And Carol--No way. If I blame it on Chris then I don't have any excuse for not exercising! We wouldn't want that now, would we?

mike stratton said...


Yow! Hope you are doing better. Reminds me of the day that I got locked out of my office, my key bent in my condo door, I got a flat tire, my computer crashed and I broke up with my girl friend. All in the midst of a blizzard. Not to rain on your flood, but there are those days...

now listening - Billie Holiday's "Gloomy Sunday"

smcelrath said...

All right, all right! You win worst day. Sheesh!

At least mine was funnier.:)

mike stratton said...


I'm sorry, I'm terribly competetive. Espescially when it comes to misery.


smcelrath said...

Ha, ha. You make me laugh.