Friday, May 25, 2007

The weekend

Today's Mood: a trifle giddy. Today's Music: Mix--currently it's Foreigner. Today's Writing: a poem titled (I think) Intoxicated. Today's Quote:
Some days the dragon wins. -unknown

How cool is it to have your friends get something published? Tricia did, Gloria did, Larry did. That is so awesome! PW has incredible writers and I am honored to be in such company.

As for me, I'm just plain old intoxicated with the smell and feel of summer. Only two more weeks with kids--students, not my own kids. I'll keep those. Only three more weeks until Glen Lake--and the absence of my own children for a week. And I get to sleep in the next three days in a row! Ah, life is good.

Of course, it helps that my writing is working for me. Less agony--opening a vein to bleed on paper--and more playing, more highs.

So the dragon may win on some days, but not today.


outdoorwriter said...

Great attitude, Sarah. The days when words flow make up for all the days they don't.

mike stratton said...


I get the sense of gratitude from your entry - I'm grateful too, for all the wisdom and experience in PW. We're blessed.

Right now I've been having a blast doing the prep work and research from novel #2. This one is going to be a murder mystery and I'll be cranking (I hope) at Camp Heaven.

now listening: early Beatles

smcelrath said...

Larry-- Amen!

Mike-- Definitely grateful! And how cool to be starting a new novel!(or getting ready to start one anyway--which is actually starting because that is all part of the process)

I'm curious, are you doing things--writing, or getting ready to write--different with this second novel? When I wrote Black Dragon (1st novel) I knew absolutely NOTHING about writing. By the time I started Free Lunch Program (2nd novel) I had become a member of PW and I had also read several books on writing. I think I went about things more deliberately. Did more outlining and all that.

How about you?

mike stratton said...


I'm not even to the outlining stage yet. I'm sketching out the characters and creating the plot. Making decisions about the sub-plot and the romantic interest. Doing some research (the story is set in Manhatten)which has me a little nervous. Write what you know? Know what?

Also taking notes about snips of dialogue and details that are arriving at odd moments, driving across town, in the shower, etc. I'm living with it and I'm hoping that the actual writing will be like taking dictation, since the story is writing itself in my head.

now listening: Kate Bush