Friday, June 22, 2007

Back to the unreal world

Today's Mood: Snarky (compliments of Robyn) Today's Music: Maroon 5--Kiwi. Today's Writing: Worked on a chart that will help me write the rest of IFFY. Today's Quote:
You want to write? Write. Don't wait for the muse. Write. Just plant your butt in a chair and write. - James V. Smith Jr. The Writer's Little Helper.


The week is ending, and tomorrow we are all heading back to our many other roles and responsibilities. I will put on my outfit as mother, and wife, and daughter, and sister, and friend, and housekeeper.... You get the idea. At home I'm not just a writer. But--emphasis here--I am still a writer. Deep down, at the core, where no one can remove it. I am sticking with my get up early and write schedule. I will meet with my small groups, I will blog to you all, and I will write.

Tonight the lake is a mix of rough and smooth, gray and silver. The sky still holds the faint hint of pink; the green hills are shades of blue and purple. I know there are people down by the fire already, but I hate to give up this last little bit of time, so I sit writing while Robyn reads bits of wisdom from a writing book, discussing titles with Carol, who is cooking sausage and biscuits. Try to describe what that smells like! Ah, I'll miss this--but it is never completely gone because I carry my writing with me. And this, and you, are all part of my writing.

Hope you all have a smooth re-entry.


outdoorwriter said...


We all need a little time away. Makes us appreciate what we have even if it doesn't dampen our need to be away at times. I treasure my hunting trips to Iowa, Kansas, or Oklahoma more for the chance to explore new country, to be alone with my thoughts, and to escape the rush of so many people and the pressures of work, home, etc. even more than the hunting. A bird or two is just the lace on the bride's pajamas.

Thanks so much for this blog. It gives me encouragement to get through this difficult period in my writing life. It sounds like Glen was a great experience for you.

smcelrath said...

Oooh, I love that image--just the lace on the bride's pajamas. Cool.

And thank you for being a part of this blog. It helps remind me--in the midst of daily life--that I am a writer. It's great to be able to toss a question out and get other writers' viewpoints.

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