Saturday, August 18, 2007


Blogger: Deborah
Mood: all over the place
Music: just the conversation in my head
Writing: back yard observations

Mike Stratton, the writing challenge is ON!!!! I did 45 minutes today! Finally. I took advantage of the quiet morning and experimented with writing my observations of the first rays of sunlight peeking over the fence and playing along lengths of spider threads, glistening bursts of greens and golds. It amazes me that a creature I find so abhorrent, and am, quite frankly, nearly terrified of, a creature that appears bulky and clunky and bulbous (I hate bulbous), can create something so beautiful, so strong, and yet so fragile. In an hour, the angle of the sun's rays will no longer illuminate those shining threads, and the arching vines in my garden will hang slack in the heat.

Some days I feel like those threads and vines: bright and shiny at the beginning of the day, full of strength as I face the sun; wilted and blended into the background after bucking the heat of my day. But today, this beautifully cool pre-autumn morning, I observed and wrote and reveled in words and sentences and thoughts strung across the page like glistening threads.

Happy writing to all!


outdoorwriter said...

Nice images, Deborah. I ran across this poem by Rod Batdorff in an old Michigan Natural Resources magazine that seem appropoe;

Each day is a story
written between the covers
of sunset and sunrise.

dreemryter said...

Very nice. I think I've seen this poem before, but don't know where. It rings familiar.

Thanks for the encouragement. I really enjoyed my quiet moments with the laptop today. Looking forward to time tomorrow...