Thursday, August 9, 2007

Day Off

Mood: Lazy (is that a mood?) Music: Tim O'Brien Fiddler's Green Today's Writing: Nothing!

Hey everybody! It's not Sarah. It's Deborah. Surprise!!!

Today I took a day off from interviewing for articles and writing those articles, and spent the whole day lying on the couch watching HGTV. I'm feeling a big punky now, after not doing a thing today, but man, it was great! I soooooo needed to not look at a computer screen or think about anything. Vegging out has its moments, let me just tell ya.

I put in a 40-hour workweek just on M, T, & W for the publication I work for ( -- shameless plug), and when I got up today I didn't want to interview one more person or write one more "work" word I also didn't want to write any other kind of words, work-related or not, until now.

I love doing what I love for a living -- writing -- but there are nights when I go to bed with my thoughts whirling, whirling, whirling with the 10 or 12 interviews I did that week and the pressure of hitting a deadline week after week. Last night was one of those nights. I was so overly tired I couldn't get to sleep, and when I did, I slept until 10 AM today, something I haven't done in months. Plus the hub and I just expanded our cable TV selections, so what's a gal to do? Lie on the couch all day and stare at HGTV, that's what!

After coming back from the summer Glen Lake conference I've been following a pretty good routine of getting up early, having breakfast, getting ready for the day, and spending a while spiffing up the place before walking the 10 steps into my office for the day. That routine has been great for me. I feel like my life is so much more balanced--even though the "balancer" is just a bit of housework or laundry. It has helped me so much--I don't feel overwhelmed like I was feeling for months (because I was overwhelmed) and my house feels better, so it's a happier place for me to be--and I'm here all day, so I need to be happy with my "spot."

So... the next goal: continue with that routine, and add 30 minutes of writing my own stuff. Even if it's just blogging. I'll let you know how the new routine goes, and what wonderful things I write.

I also want to get my old blog started again. I have new fodder for the "presses." It seems that after a year of reporting on West Michigan haps I am forming a few opinions about urban development, land use, and water pollution. Go figure!

Well, I've gotta go and get some supper. Then I have to watch some more TV because I taped a bunch of stuff that I need to watch (I had to practice with my new DVR)-- and I don't want to keep Jean Luc waiting!


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