Sunday, July 6, 2008


Today's Mood: Relaxed. Today's Music: Coldplay-Rush of Blood to the Head. Today's Writing: Zip. Today's Quote:
Be content in whatsoever state you are in. (Biblical but I have no clue where)
We just got back from camping over the 4th of July. I always feel sort of manic/depressive when it comes to camping. One minute everything is wonderful, the weather is warm and the bugs are not too bad (especially if one is wearing enough deet--which happens to be my perfume of choice this summer). The kids are riding their bikes, I'm sitting and drawing, listening to my mp3 player. And then, in the next instant, the kids are screaming and blaming one another for the crash, crying, blood, the fire (which started nicely) is now just a smoking pit, and a mosquito just bit me on the eyebrow--the eyebrow for Pete's sake! But then, a few minutes later, the crisis is done, and my stress level slowly drops out of the red zone.

Ah, the joy of camping. Late nights with lots of fireworks that go on and on and on long after the 11:00 quiet time, the loud laughter from the campers next to us, the whining of one who swears that the sister--the OTHER sister--crossed on to her side of the bed, and the noise of something in the night--something with little feet and sharp teeth that tears through the trash bag and loves peach peelings. The stars shone bright, the fire danced blue and orange and yellow, and I relaxed and did not write.

But, now I am home, and tomorrow I will write. Blessings to you all and I hope the writing is flowing from your soul through your fingers onto the keys or paper.


outdoorwriter said...


Sometimes it's just therapeutic to relax and get away from the trials of writing. It will still be there when we get back, and sometimes that brief break renews our spirit. I, too, enjoy a good fire, especially if it has a little cedar in it to pop and crackle.

Now get back to writing.

smcelrath said...

Yeah, trouble is, the longer I'm away from writing, the more trials there are getting started again. But I did write yesterday and I will tonight.

I really planned on writing when we were camping, but I couldn't focus. Now maybe that is a good thing when I'm supposed to be watching the kids swimming, but it was frustrating at other times when I'd sit down to write.

Music helps me focus, but I still have a hard time when there is a lot going on--especially when I know I could be interrupted at any time. I don't know, maybe that's just an excuse.