Thursday, August 2, 2007


Today's Mood: Celebratory. Today's Music: Robert Pollard--From a Compound Eye. Today's Writing: Nothing until now. Today's Quote:
On this road there are no godspoke men. They are gone and I am left and they have taken with them the world. Query: How does the never to be differ from what never was?

Dark of the invisible moon. The nights now only slightly less black. By day the banished sun circles the earth like a grieving mother with a lamp. -from The Road by Cormac McCarthy p.32
Uh-huh...oh yeah...that's right...I'm dancing...oh yeah! I'm going to the fall retreat. I finished the last Harry Potter. I have a laptop computer that works--and has all my information on it! Ya-hoooooooooo! I'm so excited to be writing this on my own computer. Finally! Granted, I now have an antique computer that I've paid more for than a new MacBook-but hey, it works. And I've got my sign up sheet all set to go for the fall retreat. (just need a stamp) Yessssss! I'm dancing*, oh yeah. Come on everybody--dance with me! What are you celebrating?

Oh, and tomorrow my kids go to daycare so I can WRITE! Which is a good thing because I got nothin' for Monday's small group. But I will.

Since I wasn't writing I was reading. I did finish Harry Potter and thought my small group would tell the author that the book really should have ended before the Epilogue-but hey, she's the millionaire. I also read The Road. The writing is poetic, lyrical. Of course, hard to say I loved it since it is apocalyptic literature and therefore rather depressing. But it was still an awesome book. Inspired me to write--again.
*And no, I'm not dancing naked (see previous post here) because the air conditioning is on too high.


outdoorwriter said...

I'm currently doing more research than writing--Indian treaties. Each court case takes me somewhere else. Don't understand the "legaleeze" (sp) but find it fascinating. Also discovering the importance of each word. The Chippewa retained their fishing rights on the ceded land "until required for settlement." Are the state and national forests "required" for settlement? The state occasionally sells surplus land so is there enough land "required" for settlement?
Sold. plotted. pre-owned, etc. doesn't mean the same thing. One of the treaties in Washington pertaining to fising rights ends with " until the land is sold to whites." Certainly more clear.
The courts have held that any ambiguous language is to be decided in favor of the tribes.

Glad you're back in business with your laptop. As much as I sometimes hate computers, I would be lost without mine.

smcelrath said...

Larry-- maybe required for settlement just means "we want to make money." That kind of self-serving language makes me angry. still happens today, of course. Lesson there is read the fine print--or hire a lawyer I guess. Well, I learned my lesson for the summer on trusting people. This just backs it up, doesn't it?

outdoorwriter said...


It would have been hard for Indians to hire an attorney at the time of treaties. Uusually, the government, i.e. the United States pre statehood, appointed an enterpreter of their own choosing to "explain" the treaty to the Tribes. "We're the government and we're here to help you." The Indians trusted "The Great Father" to do what was best for them. Big mistake.

I had a wonderful experience at an Amish family auction. I'm going to start on an esay, hopefully finished in time for the picnic read-around.