Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Today's Mood: Content. Today's Music: Classical--on NPR. Today's writing: chapter whatever of IFFY (I went to Panera before my inservice--great house latte!) Today's Quote:
My only real, hard piece of advice about the writing process is this: if anyone tells you that there is just one method or a correct way of getting it done (few people would, but there's always someone), they're wrong. If you want to revise your book completely backwards, while hanging upside down covered in bees . . . feel free. Choose your teachers carefully. In the end, you'll teach yourself anyway.--Maureen Johnson


It's amazing how quickly vomit can kill the muse. I got home from my wild women's writers retreat all fired up and ready to write. In fact, I was going to get up EARLY on Saturday just because I couldn't wait to continue the chapter I was working on. But when I got out of the shower Friday night, my five-year-old walked in covered in puke. And all that night I did laundry because not once did she manage to make it to the bucket or the toilet. And I'm talking a dish pan here not one of those pathetically tiny crescent shaped things they give you in the hospital! That did it. I didn't write even one word all weekend.

But then came Monday. Donna, my wonderful reader, got together with me to go over my second manuscript, Free Lunch Program. After chatting for over an hour, I was all fired up to get going on revisions. Sort of. Problem is, I'm already working on this other novel. And I don't really want to give that up. But I don't have time (or brain cells) to do both. What to do, what to do.

Gloria, one of my small group members, suggested that I revise and work toward getting it done before the Fall retreat so that I could then have those few days to sink back into the new novel. I like that--a deadline to get the revision done and out to wonderful reader Donna for feedback, and a big chunk of writing time to get immersed into IFFY again. It's all good--I hope.

Check it out. Meg Cabot talks about revision being hell and Maureen Johnson tells how to revise a book here. Don't I just wish I was making revisions based on an Editor's remarks!

So what is everybody up to in their writing?


outdoorwriter said...

Currently, I'm working on a piece about spider webs for the church bulletin. Last week I took a walk around our two-track and discovered dozens of dew-laden spider webs. I titled the piece A Photographer's Delight. And I learned a thing or two about spider webs and silk via the web--no pun intended.

Also working on a food plot preperation/planning piece. Feels good to write again after a long. dry spell.

dreemryter said...

Hey all,

Two things:
Sarah I think Gloria gave you really good advice. Besides, how can you write the new stuff when the revisions to the old are poking around in the back of your mind?

Larry, I wish you'd blog on this site. This is such a cool way for us to talk, and the comments are great, but I love the blogs. I'd love to hear more about the spider webs and what everyone is working on, or not working on and wish they were.

Hey, I also put in a comment on a previous post about how you can edit comments.


dreemryter said...

Hey, never mind about editing the comments. I was thinking of something else and gave you the wrong info.

No, i don't know how to edit comments on this site. LOL!


outdoorwriter said...


Ah, the blog. I'm not exactly sure where to start i.e. how to go about it. Computer challenged runs deep in my family--except the kids. I can handle the comments section.

So if someone would post a step-by-step, I do run across some cool things about writing from time to time.